When you’re running a casino, the main goal is to make customers feel good. This can be achieved by offering them a variety of different incentives to gamble. These can include food, drinks, and entertainment, as well as special promotions that allow them to win real money. By doubling down on these feelings, casinos can improve their customer loyalty and increase the amount of repeat business they receive.

Beneath the flashing lights and free cocktails, casinos are rigged to slowly bleed patrons of their money. For years, mathematically inclined mathematicians have tried to turn the tables by using knowledge of probability and game theory. But in the end, they’re no match for a system designed to eat its own.

While the story may not have the pizzazz of other gangster movies like Goodfellas, Casino is still a fascinating look at the history of Vegas and its past ties to organized crime. The film also does a great job of highlighting the many ways the city reinvented itself.

Despite being a little bit longer than some of Scorsese’s other films, Casino never feels bloated or overlong. And with a terrific cast, led by Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone, it’s impossible not to be riveted by every scene.