A casino is a place where people can gamble on games of chance. Modern casinos offer a wide variety of games, from traditional table games like blackjack and craps to electronic slot machines and video poker. Some casinos also feature stage shows and other amenities to add to the entertainment value. A casino can be a great place to take a date or spend the night with friends.
Most modern casinos have several ways to prevent cheating and other criminal activity. Casino employees keep close watch over all the tables and other gambling areas to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Dealers and pit bosses are trained to spot blatantly obvious cheating techniques such as palming, marking, or switching cards. Some casinos have catwalks in the ceiling that allow surveillance workers to look down on the patrons through one-way glass. More sophisticated casinos have an elaborate closed circuit television system known as the eye-in-the-sky, which monitors every table, window and doorway from a central control room.
Gambling in some form probably predates recorded history, with primitive proto-dice and carved six-sided dice found in many archaeological sites. But the modern casino as a place for patrons to find a variety of gambling options under one roof did not appear until the 16th century, during a gambling craze that swept Europe and especially Italy.
Because casinos are a business, they try to generate as much profit as possible. To this end, they reward big bettors with free spectacular entertainment, hotel rooms and even limo service. But even small bettors can earn “comps” such as free drinks, dinners and tickets to shows.