Typical poker games award the pot to the player who has the best hand. The hand can be formed with a single or a combination of five cards.
The game starts with a deal, which is made by the dealer. He or she deals cards to each player face up. The dealer may also make a forced bet, such as a blind bet.
A player who raises the bet must call the bet or fold. A player who folds loses the pot. The remaining players must then match the bet.
The player who makes the first bet is called the first bettor. He or she must bet a minimum amount in the first betting interval. In later betting intervals, he or she can check. A player who raises the stake is called a second bettor.
After the first bet, the player who receives the highest poker combination wins. This is based on the number of “outs” after the turn. The “outs” are cards that are needed to form a better hand. This can be broken by a pair of aces, a straight flush, or three of a kind. In some variations, the pot is divided between the highest and lowest hands.
After the fourth betting interval, the hole cards are revealed. The dealer then deals a new flop, without burning a card. This flop is a redealt flop, when cards were prematurely flopped before the previous betting was complete.
The third round of dealing distributes one card face up to each active player. The player who received the jack becomes the dealer.